20180716 Worth Matravers – Poole

Date: 20180716

Time: 9:20 – 16:05

Distance: 25.9 km

Stay: Cafe Guest House 34, Poole


During breakfast I got a nice card with two photos that David himself had taken. One photo of the sculpture at the beginning of the Coast Path in Minehead and one photo of the sculpture we are going to see today, the image at the end of the Coast Path in South Haven Point.

After breakfast and saying goodbye to our hosts, David and Ann, the last walk finally started. Lise had some problems with the blisters of yesterday, but still wanted to try to walk.

After leaving Worth Matravers behind us, we returned to the Coast Path at the quarry at Winspit. After looking around for a while, we continued where we had stopped yesterday.

In principle, we had an easy route today. A lot of mileage, but hardly any height differences. One hill, just after Swanage and for the rest relaxed flat.

The Coast Path took us past fields and through smaller parts of vegetation. The path was easy to walk. Nevertheless, the pace was somewhat low. Lise did her best to continue, but did only progress slowly.
We passed some more quarries, a few mile markers and the Anvil Point lighthouse.

After a while the pace became slower (without Lise being aware of it). I already noticed that this was not going to happen, but we had to come to the civilized world first before I could do anything.
Fortunately, we came to Durlston Castle at one point. Here it was time for a break in the café and to take a look at how to proceed now. The latter was solved quickly enough, from Durlston Castle there was a bus to Swanage and from there another bus to South Haven Point.

So after the break, I put Lise down at the bus stop and continued to finish the last part of my mega adventure alone. Soon after Durlston Castle I arrived in Swanage. After walking through it, it was time for the only real climb today to Ballard Point.

In the meantime, I kept in touch with Lise through the app. She had arrived in Swanage and had to wait for the next bus.

During the climb to Ballard Point I met a whole bunch of school kids who apparently had a walking trip. It took me a while before I was past them.
Once I arrived at the top, another nice piece of walking followed over the cliff to Old Harry Rocks. They are indeed impressive to see.

From Old Harry it slowly went down to end up on the beach. The last kilometers went over the beach to South Haven Point where Lise was waiting for me. After passing a bit of nudist beach, the end sculpture came into view.

Of course we made the necessary photos with the end sculpture. Unfortunately there was nothing to drink in the neighborhood of the end sculpture. So with the ferry and the bus to Poole for a well-deserved pint.

I’ve done it!


The start of the day was cloudy, nice to walk. Later the sun came through and it became sunny and quite warm.

Lyric of the day

Today not some symbolic lyrics just because I made it, but the tune that Lise had in her head when she went on walking step by step, Links 234 by  Rammstein:

Kann man Herzen brechen
konnen Herzen sprechen
kann man Herzen qualen
kann man Herzen stehlen
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
da schlagt es links

Konnen Herzen singen
kann ein Herz zerspringen
konnen Herzen rein sein
kann ein Herz aus Stein sein

Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
da schlagt es links
links zwo drei vier

Kann man Herzen fragen
ein Kind darunter tragen
kann man es verschenken
mit dem Herzen denken

Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck
doch seh ich dann nach unten weg
da schlagt es in der linken Brust
der Neider hat es schlecht gewußt

Links zwei drei vier


2 thoughts on “20180716 Worth Matravers – Poole”

  1. Hoi Rob, gefeliciteerd ermee!

    Was leuk om dagelijks te lezen over je belevenissen, en is ook goede reclame voor Engeland. Krijg er zin in om de west kant van Cornwall en Devon te gaan ontdekken, zag er mooi uit.
    Groeten, Gert-Jan

    1. Bedankt Gert-Jan! Ik kan je alleen maar aanraden om in deze omgeving een keer te gaan rondkijken. Het is zeer de moeite waard, ook als je niet meteen aan de kust zit. Dartmoor, Exmoor en Bodmin Moor zijn ook zeer de moeite waard.

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