20180615 The Lizard – Coverack

Date: 20180615

Time: 9:30 – 15:30

Distance: 20,0 km

Stay: Fernleigh B&B, Coverack


The landlady is afraid that I will get hungry and has prepared a packed lunch (a snack) for me. The 3 Swedish ladies who are also having breakfast and today also walk to Coverack, do not get that…

First it goes back to the Coast Path, via The Lizard lighthouse. There are many Serpentine rocks (Serpentinite) around The Lizard. I don’t see much of it, however. Probably too overgrown or I do not know what to look at, that is also possible 🙂 I do see this type of rock on the path. There are green and white ‘strings’ in the stone. That does look special. Perhaps this is only visible when the stones are polished, for example by hundreds of walking shoes …

After a while following the Coast Path, I arrive at The Devils Frying Pan. This is a natural arch through which the water can pass to get into a kind of natural bowl. I can imagine that that gives spectacular effects when the sea is very rough. That is obviously not the case today (and maybe just as well).

In Kennack Sands I take a break at The Beach Hut, time for coffee. From here there is nothing until Coverack. That is why my landlady thought I should have something with me, hence the packed lunch.
When I’m at Black Head, it’s time for a break and for my packed lunch. A sandwich with cheese and marmalade (homemade bread), a scone with marmalade, a mandarin and a fruit bar. Everything neatly packed and with a napkin. A very tasty snack!

I am almost in Coverack, only a few kilometers. On the last part there is another diversion. That is not so bad, this one passes The Terence Coventry Sculpture Park. Here I look at some of the sculptures that are on display here. I have to miss Baarlo Steengoed, but here I have at least some sculptures.

If I follow the detour further, I get a bit of a shock when I go around a corner. There is a plant with huge leaves. It is only one plant and there are only a few leaves, but they are worth it. Anyone any idea what kind of plant that is?

After walking a bit over narrow forest paths, I arrive in Coverack. Here I am immediately invited to an event that will take place soon. I get a flyer. If I look at this later, it turns out to be Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Now it is really time for a pint at the Paris hotel.


Mostly sunny and occasionally a bit cloudy. Not too hot. In the beginning hardly wind, but later the wind came back up again. Not as bad as yesterday, but there was a strong breeze at Black Head.

Lyric of the day

Today I looked a lot at stones (on the path, as well as in the rocks, and at the sculptures in The Terence Coventry Sculpture Park). That is why I chose The Sabbath Stones by Black Sabbath as the lyrics of the day. This also fits more or less with the encounter with the Jehovah’s Witnesses…

Fire and water, wind and rain
Wings that carry hell in every vein
World possessions, endless tears
Truth and knowledge stolen all their years

World turns slowly, sun don’t shine
Silence still the air and kills the chime
Words are poison, passion bleeds
2000 years on earth has sown the seeds

The time of dreams has turned
The night is gone and light shines on
Where darkness once would hide
With spirits high, our fears were born

Receiver of light, the kingdom of God will guide you
Keep you from a restless heart
Deceiver of night the stranger that laughs
Within you, the reason for your restless heart
Is the keeper of the Sabbath Stones

Fire and water, wind and rain
Wings that carry hell in every vein
World turns slowly, sun don’t shine
Silence still the air and kills the chime

Can faith destroy desire? Each breath a prayer
Each step brings fear
The eyes of they that see have evil stare
Watch over me


And He’s the keeper of the Sabbath Stones

What God is this that stands to hear his people cry?
What hand would strike and watch his people die?
What life that takes, what future did we earn?
It’s our mistakes, take need the Sabbath Stones
What life that takes, what future did we earn?
It’s our mistakes


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