20180519 Combe Martin – Woolacombe

Date: 20180519

Time: 9:25 – 18:05

Distance: 27.3 km

Stay: The Imperial B&B, Woolacombe


After packing everything and having a good breakfast, the 4th stage of the South West Coast Path is in the pipeline.

Immediately at the beginning in Combe Martin I meet the three musketeers again. What a timing.

Up to Ilfracombe the route is not too hard, not too much climbing and fantastic views. I cross a campsite among other things. Also in this first part there are plenty of possibilities to get something to drink (or eat).
Ilfracombe is full of tourists. Still, I find a quiet terrace (at the back of the restaurant) with a nice view of the sea.
In the harbor is a very large (one of the largest in England) sculpture of a half skinned woman. Weird guys, the English … (I know, I know, bad translation of a typical Dutch Obelix joke).

Just outside Ilfracombe I meet another Coast Path walker, Davey, whom I have come across earlier. He walks the Coast Path with everything on his back and camps everywhere. We talk for a moment and then we each go further at our own pace.

After Ilfracombe it’s on to Torrs Walk, a decent climb.

Just after Torrs Walk I meet the three musketeers again. Apparently they caught up with me when I was having a pint. They are doubting which way to go. I also doubt because there is no marking and the description I have is not entirely clear. Luckily my GPS brings the solution and I go in the right direction so they can follow.

The part after Ilfracombe is quite heavy again. Not because of the altitude, but because of the many falls and rises. Eventually I arrive at Morte Point, a rock formation that protrudes into the sea. From here the beaches of Woolacombe are clearly visible. It is not very far anymore to Woolacombe. That last part, however, is still quite hard because it is going up steeply before I am on the road and then it goes down again.
At the end, however, the Red Barn Inn (very very red) waits with  a nice selection of beers …


Today it was again great weather, sunny and sometimes even a bit too hot. Somewhat the same as yesterday, only slightly warmer. No jacket needed today.

Lyric of the day

Because he also keeps on walking, today The Wizard by Black Sabbath:

Misty morning, clouds in the sky
Without warning, a wizard walks by
Casting his shadow, weaving his spell
Funny clothes, tinkling bell

Never talking
Just keeps walking
Spreading his magic

Evil power disappears
Demons worry when the wizard is near
He turns tears into joy
Everyone’s happy when the wizard walks by

Never talking
Just keeps walking
Spreading his magic

Sun is shining, clouds have gone by
All the people give a happy sigh
He has passed by, giving his sign
Left all the people feeling so fine

Never talking
Just keeps walking
Spreading his magic


6 thoughts on “20180519 Combe Martin – Woolacombe”

  1. Je hebt tot nu toe wel mooi weer gehad ! Mooie foto’s heb er ‘n paar opgeslagen . groetjes Mooder xxx

    1. Ha Mooder, euver ut waer velt heej niks te klage. Van mich oet maag det zoë blieve…

  2. He Rob, schitterend avontuur!! Vuul plezeer. Ich verwach nog wel un vet bluesnummer als “songtekst van de dag”. Als ode op die lekkere pinten….

  3. Hey Rob, blij met jouw blog! Voor jou alweer een poosje terug 😉 leuk om te lezen, wij starten Woensdag 25Mei 2023 in Minehead.
    We gaan 2 weken met af en toe een rustdag, deze 4e etappe lopen we op Zondag.
    Welke wandelapp had jij “meelopen”op de achtergrond?
    Wij hebben Komoot.
    Al een nieuw wandelavontuur op de agenda?

    Bedankt voor alle handige info.
    Mvg Cealesta

    1. Hoi Cealesta,

      Fijn om te horen dat mijn schrijfsels ook anderen tot nut zijn.

      Ik gebruik altijd een GPS apparaat voor routes en om mijn tracks op te nemen. Ik had eerst altijd Garmin (GPSmap serie) en gebruik tegenwoordig de TwoNav Trail 2 Plus. Het mooie van die laatste is dat je de kaarten van Ordnance Survey (ik gebruik de Explorer serie, 1:25.000) er ook op kunt zetten. Dat ga ik dus binnenkort uitproberen in de Lake District. Ik ga daar 3 weken Peak Baggen. Uiteraard wordt dat weer in een blog bijgehouden, maar deze keer op mijn algemene wandelblog op prikanowski.nl/wandelen.

      Als je een handige app zoekt voor op je telefoon, dan kan ik je Gaia GPS aanbevelen (http://www.gaiagps.com).

      Veel plezier op jullie tocht langs het SWCP!



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