20180610 St Just – Porthcurno

Date: 20180610

Time: 9:15 – 16:45

Distance: 21.8 km

Stay: Rockridge House, Porthcurno


After a good breakfast at the golf club, I first go to Cape Cornwall. Until about 200 years ago, Cape Cornwall was thought to be the westernmost point of Cornwall. Only when the Ordnance Survey charted everything, it became clear that this was not the case, but that this is Dr. Syntax’s Head at Land’s End.

There used to be a tin mine on Cape Cornwall and the chimney is still there as an aid to naval navigation (in the old days).
In 1987 Cape Cornwall, in honor of the 100th anniversary of Heinz, was purchased by Heinz (the ketchup and the baked beans guys) and donated to the National Trust. Probably as a thank you for the many baked beans served at the English breakfast…
On Cape Cornwall you can also find the ruins of a small medieval chapel, St Helen’s Oratory.

After I walked around Cape Cornwall, it continues along the Coast Path. The path is no longer as uneven as the last two days, but later in the day there will be some climbing parts.
I do, however, encounter many caves today, both in the sea and on land. It looks like cavemen country here. Some of these caves are closed, but a large number are open. Since I do not feel like dabbing around in the dark, I walk past them all 🙂

After a while I arrive at Sennen Cove. Here is a large beach and a lot of people are surfing. For me it’s time for coffee at the Beach Bar. Then I take a look at the harbor, with the capstan house, and walk to the coastguard lookout at Pedn-men-du.
A capstan house was used to pull boats up the slipway.

After Sennen Cove I arrive at the busiest part of the Coast Path, between Sennen Cove and Land’s End. It is not that bad today, despite the fact that it is Sunday. The coast is beautiful here and you have beautiful views.

What is also striking is that there is indeed a different kind of people walking here (who mainly come by car). Normally I greet everyone and that is mutual, good morning, good afternoon, hello, hi. I do that now too, but I only rarely get a response. Many people do not even look up.

When I’ve seen the first and last house at Land’s End, it’s time to celebrate this milestone with a pint. I do that at the Land’s End Bar & Restaurant. I’m obviously looking for a beer that I haven’t had yet, a New Zealand beer this time, Silvetip from the Beerd Brewery. Unfortunately, they only have a little more than half a pint. My luck, they are out of beer… But not to worry, I’ll do with half a pint this time. I still have to walk a few miles.

After Land’s End there is a small stretch that is still a little bit busy, then after that the peace returns.

The piece from Sennen Cove to Land’s End and a bit further I did with Ada and the kids in 2009 as part of a circular walk. Land’s End became more touristy during this time than it already was. The bench at the first and last house is gone and there is now a fence. A shame!

It is still some work to get to Porthcurno. Once there, I first go to the Cable Station Inn for a pint. Then to the B & B for a shower.


Fortunately, today it was not as hot as yesterday. It started out sunny, but later on, clouds were passing. Pleasant temperature and dry. What more does a walker want?

Lyric of the day

Because of the large number of caves today, we go on the experimental / psychedelic tour. Today I have chosen a song text that is quite different. It is in any case the song with the longest title of the group. I found the best explanation about the meaning of the text on the blog of Pink Floyd Lyrics.

It is Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict by Pink Floyd:

Aye an’ a bit of Mackeral settler rack and ruin
ran it doon by the haim, ‘ma place
well I slapped me and I slapped it doon in the side
and I cried, cried, cried.

The fear a fallen down taken never back the raize and then Craig Marion,
get out wi’ ye Claymore out mi pocket a’ ran doon, doon the middin stain
picking the fiery horde that was fallen around ma feet.
Never he cried, never shall it ye get me alive
ye rotten hound of the burnie crew. Well I snatched fer the blade O my
Claymore cut and thrust and I fell doon before him round his feet.

Aye! A roar he cried frae the bottom of his heart that I would nay fall
but as dead, dead as ‘a can be by his feet; de ya ken?

And the wind cried Mary.

Thank you.


20180609 Zennor – St Just

Date: 20180609

Time: 9:35 – 16:05

Distance: 22.7 km

Stay: Cape Cornwall Golf & Leisure Club, St Just


Before I walked from Zennor back to the Coast Path, I first visited the church. There they have the famous mermaid chair. The legend goes as follows:

Long ago a beautiful and well-dressed woman occasionally attended the services in St. Senara’s church in Zennor. The parishioners were impressed by her beauty and her voice, because her singing was the best of all. She appeared infrequently for years, but never seemed to grow older and nobody knew where she came from. After many years, the mysterious woman became interested in a young man named Mathey Trewella, “the best singer in the parish”. One day, he followed her home and disappeared; neither was ever seen again.
The villagers wondered what had become of the two, until one Sunday a ship anchored about a mile from Pendour Cove. Shortly thereafter, a mermaid appeared and asked if the anchor could be lifted as one of its flukes was resting on her door and she could not reach her children. The sailors did as they were asked and then went off like a (water) hare (ok, I know, bad translation but you get the idea), because the mermaid would be a bad omen. When the villagers heard this, they concluded that the mermaid was the same lady who had visited their church for a long time and that she had tempted Mathey Trewella to come and live with her.
The parishioners in St. Senaras commemorated the story by carving one end of a bench in the shape of a mermaid.

As soon as I am back on the path, it continues where I stopped yesterday. Not only as far as the route is concerned, but also as far as the path itself is concerned, very uneven and in the beginning a few climbs over boulders.
In some places the Coast Path is simply not there. It’s more a general idea of a direction and one just has to get there. Not that that is a big problem, there are many ways to get through the rocks or fields with boulders.

Now that I know what to look for, I often see seals in the water, even from larger distances.
I also see ponies today, there is even one in the middle of the path. He does not seem to be willing to move, so I just walk around him.

The theme of today’s walk is clearly mining. I come across many ruins of engine houses. There used to be a lot of tin mining here and that is still clearly visible. Apart from the remains of the buildings, there are also many remnants of that mining below my feet. The mine corridors and shafts are still there. For those shafts I am regularly warned by signs.

I am a little low on water today because I could not replenish my supply in Zennor (only glass bottles, more glass than water). So if I get the opportunity to refill that, I take it. This is after about 13-14 kilometer. Then I make a detour to Pendeen. Here is a supermarket and there I fill my water supply and I also have a break. A bit further is a pub, but I control myself. With this warm weather it is better to postpone the beer drinking until later when I’m done walking.

When I walk back to the Coast Path from Pendeen, I walk straight through a mine area, the Levant mine. Part of the Coast Path goes through this too (that’s where I am heading), but I also walk through the real industrial part when I come from the village. This would never be possible in the Netherlands. An old industrial area where you can just walk through. In the Netherlands it would already have been cleaned up (gone with the heritage) or a large fence would have been placed around it. Imagine that something happened…
Here in England (and in many other places in the world) they leave that more to the responsibility of the people themselves. And rightly so I think.

Without tin from Cornwall, 4000 years ago in Europe there would have been no bronze age, but a copper age (tin and copper together form bronze). So there is already 4000 years of mining in Cornwall. During the beginning of the industrial revolution (around 1820), the Levant mine started participating in the tin and copper mining. The corridors went up to 550 meters below the seabed and 1.6 kilometers from the cliffs into the sea. The miners in this mine under the sea were a kind of tenant, ‘working in tribute’. That explains the name of one of the popular beers of the St Austell brewery, Tribute. Another popular beer from St Austell (a delicious IPA) is called Proper Job …
The ore carts in the mines were pulled by ponies that lived underground day and night and were well cared for. So good, that by the time they retired and came back above the ground, people were eager to buy one, with their good condition they won all the popular horse races.
To get the ore up and for the lift with which the miners were brought down and up, in 1840 a steam engine was put into use. For the miners it was a blessing, before that time it took more than 2 hours to climb up and that was not without danger.

After the mining area, it continues along the Coast Path towards Cape Cornwall. I did see it, but I turned to St Just before reaching it to get to my overnight stay. Tomorrow more about Cape Cornwall.


Today it was very hot, the sun was shining all day. She always does that, but this time there were no clouds between me and the sun.

Lyric of the day

Today I saw many ruins and walked through an old mining area and because it went up from there, today I have a song from Judas Priest, Rising from Ruins:

Drawn from years of self denying
Lost in chaos before the storm
Our strength goes on prepared for mortal battle
We can settle our old scores

Look to the skies and challenge all of heaven
Resist the devil, dare to dream
By grace of god within our hearts eternal
For our salvation is for everyone

We’re standing as one
We’re carrying on
Rising from ruins
We’re bringing the light
Out from the night
Rising from ruins

We’ll face our foes so they can hear our voices
The land rejoices in empathy
This trial by fire will build from their attrition
It’s ammunition for our enemies

We’re standing as one
We’re carrying on
Rising from ruins
We’re bringing the light
Out from the night
Rising from ruins

Send in the valiant, fight for what you believe
Then we shall overcome, lay victory at our feet

We’re standing as one
We’re carrying on
Rising from ruins
We bring the light
Out from the night
Rising from ruins

We’re standing as one
We’re carrying on
Rising from ruins
We’re bringing the light
Out from the night
Rising from ruins


20180608 St Ives – Zennor

Date: 20180608

Time: 9:50 – 14:25

Distance: 14.1 km

Stay: The Tinners Arms, Zennor


According to the documentation, this is the heaviest part of the Coast Path. I was also warned by one of the three musketeers (see reports from the beginning) for this part.

The challenge for today was not in the length of the walk or in the height differences. The challenge was in the Coast Path itself. The path was very uneven and especially after River Cove it was much about rocks and boulders. So climbing, watching where you put your feet down and occasionally with hands and feet.
No long route, but quite exhausting.

Before the real challenge started, the Path went through St Ives, the part that is not so touristy.

Shortly after that, as the real Coast Path started again, at Carrick Du, I saw the first seals. They just floated with their head above the water just off the coast. Fortunately, I had my binoculars with me so that I could look at them very well.

After Polgassick Cove I came to the Trevalgan stone circle, the Merry Harvesters. According to legend, some old farmers from the area danced here on a Sunday with a virgin and then turned into stone.

At River Cove it was time for a break. An ideal place because I could spot seals again. This time one was close enough to take a picture. This is not the best picture, but still.

After River Cove the most exciting part of today’s hike started. So far, the path was not very even, but was good to walk and not much different than on other parts of the Coast Path. However, that became different now, big parts went across the rocks and occasionally real climbing was needed to get along. Tiring, but fun.
After a while I met a fellow hiker who had a Didgeridoo and played on it.

Finally, it went around Zennor Head and then it was time to go to Zennor. That lies a bit more inland.
After a visit to the church of Zennor, of course with a corresponding graveyard, I also found my place to stay for today, the Tinners Arms.


Again fantastic walking weather, nice temperature, cloudy and dry. When I was sitting on the terrace at my final destination, the sun broke through.

Lyric of the day

And because I finally saw seals today, today a song by Jethro Tull, Seal Driver (and yes, I know that a seal driver has nothing to do with the animal 🙂 )

Take you away for my magic ship.
I have two hundred deisel horses thundering loud.
Sea birds call your name and the mountain’s on fire
as the summer lightening cuts the sky like a hot wire.
And you ride on the swell and your heart is alive,
think I’ll make you my seal driver.

I’m no great looker, I’m no fast shakes.
I’ll give you a steady push on a six knot simmering
high tide.
I can hold us down — keep our head to the wind,
or let us roll on the broadside, cold spray flying in,
and we’ll ride on the swell and our hearts are alive.
Let me make you my seal driver.

I could captain you if you’d crew for me
follow white flecked spindrift — float on a moonkissed sea.

Could you fancy me as a pirate bold,
or a longship Viking warrior with the old gods on
his side?
Well I’m an inshore man and I’m nobody’s hero,
but I’ll make you tight for a windy night and a dark
Let me take you in hand and bring you alive.
Going to make you my seal driver.


20180607 St Ives (rest day)

Date: 20180607

Stay: The Queens Hotel, St Ives


A rest day today, in St Ives. St Ives is very touristy, more than when we were here in 2009.

I start the day with housekeeping. I first go to the launderette to do the laundry. Then I walk a bit through St Ives, mainly around the harbor and the coast.

In the afternoon I go looking for the St Ives Brewery. That is located a bit up the hill with the Brewhouse Cafe on top. After some searching I find it and the rest of the afternoon I spend there tasting the brews and sitting comfortably, reading in the lounge corner.
From the Brewhouse Cafe you have a nice view of St Ives.

It starts to rain around 15:30-16:00. That was not predicted… But, no problem, if I want to go back to the village below, I’ll just take the bus. The bus stops in front of the Brewhouse Cafe at the large parking lot and for £ 1.00 I am transported down dry.

So it was a real rest day again. I did not do much more than just wandered around, read and drink beer 🙂


The usual weather, cloudy and a pleasant temperature. Except that it started raining around 3:30 PM. Not very hard, but enough to get wet if you walk through it for a long time. Fortunately, I was not walking.

Lyric of the day

For some reason, a tune is constantly playing through my mind today. Since there is little more happening, I appoint that to the lyrics of the day. It is Paradise In Distress by the Golden Earring, a brilliant song:

Devil just bought a brand new
Devil just bought a brand new
Devil just bought a brand new penthouse in heaven
There goes the old neighbourhood
There goes the old neighbourhood
There goes the good old neighbourhood on a one way trip to hell
(Shake you sinner)

Jesus won’t drive nothin’ but a shiny white Mercedes
And all the angels gotta settle for second hand Oldsmobile’s
The virgin Mary loses faith and starts a chain-reaction
The Lord just stands there weepin’ bitter tears in the rain
Ain’t that a shame…
(Shake you sinner!)

Almost as if the bad guys, got the good guys on the run
All in the line of expectation, in the eyes of the evil one
Like a mad bull chargin’ through a closet of porcelain ‘Made in China’
Saddlin’ up the righteous, with nightmares full of trauma

Devil just bought a brand new
Devil just bought a brand new
Devil just bought a brand new penthouse in heaven
There goes the old neighbourhood
There goes the old neighbourhood
There goes the good old neighbourhood movin’ on down to hell

There’s no one here, there’s nothin’ left
No one here to kiss or bless
This damp and dark unholy mess
You could say: Paradise in distress
(Shake you sinner)

Behind the clouds there’s a silver line
The sun just can’t stop waitin’
To put a shine on a clear blue sky
And kill the pessimist in me
Meanwhile, there’s no one here, there’s nothin’ left
No one here to kiss or bless
This damp and dark unholy mess
You could say: Paradise in distress
(Shake you sinner)


20180606 Gwithian – St Ives

Date: 20180606

Time: 9:30 – 15:45

Distance: 20.7 km

Stay: The Queens Hotel, St Ives


Today I go to St Ives and there I have a rest day tomorrow. We, Ada, the kids and I, have been in St Ives before, during our holiday in Cornwall in 2009. Then we were playing with the surf on the beach in the harbor of St Ives, without being aware of that we were trapped by the sea when the flood came. Eventually we had to flee through the water (not too deep) to the dry part. Much to the entertainment of the bystanders who were all watching with interest (studip tourists …).

The first 2.5 kilometers I need to get back to the Coast Path. The B & B was this time a long way inland. But it was worth it (as the sign said), a nice address on a farm, really old English establishment, a good-natured landlady who came to pick me up in the village in the evening so I did not have to walk the whole stretch again and a very good English breakfast (with mainly things from the farm).
The landlady also had a good recommendation for a book, 500 Mile Walkies by Mark Wallington, about someone who also walked the Coast Path and wrote a book about it with a lot of humor. The book is out of print, but I ordered a second-hand copy via Amazon. Seems nice to read, not only because of the humor, but also because I know all the places he writes about by the time I read it.

When I reach the Coast Path again, I mainly walk through the dunes. Today I do not have many cliffs to walk over, just a few short stretches. Most of the Coast Path goes through dunes or dune-like landscapes.

When I arrive in Hayle, it goes through the town and then along a busy road. Not the best part, but luckily not too long. When I walk over the North Quay, someone asks me if it is Wednesday. I have to think about that and he laughs with the remark ‘that’s what I had’.

With the busy road behind me, I walk through the better part of Lelant. Here are some very nice places, but unfortunately they do not have a sea view.

Eventually I arrive at the St Unys Church with a great graveyard. This graveyard is largely overgrown. There are many old graves, some with Cornish Crosses (if you want to search for this, look for ‘cornwall’ and ‘cross’, otherwise you only find chickens). There is also a St Uny Lelant Heritage Center with lots of info and a terrace. Yeay, coffee and cake in the graveyard. Nice and quiet…
The majority of the graveyard is mowed once a year, except for the methodist piece, which they mow once every few weeks. The result is that there is a great environment for plants and insects. It is not for nothing a Living Churchyard.

Then it continues along the railway to St Ives. First right, then left and then right again. Despite being close to the railway, the largest part is still a nice piece to walk. You don’t see the railway and only hear it when a train comes by (which does not happen that often).

In St Ives it is very busy. Many tourists, but that’s what the town lives of.


Mainly cloudy and dry. Nice temperature for walking.

Lyric of the day

Because of the many graves we have today a song by Black Sabbath, Children of the Grave:

Revolution in their minds – the children start to march
Against the world in which they have to live
and all the hate that’s in their hearts
They’re tired of being pushed around
and told just what to do
They’ll fight the world until they’ve won
and love comes flowing through

Children of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today
Will the sun rise up tomorrow bringing peace in any way?
Must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear?
Can they win the fight for peace or will they disappear?

So you children of the world,
listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in
spread the words today
Show the world that love is still alive
you must be brave
Or you children of today are
Children of the Grave, Yeah!


20180605 Portreath – Gwithian

Date: 20180605

Time: 9:15 – 17:10

Distance: 24.1 km

Stay: Nanterrow Farm, Gwithian


Today I have an extremely short and easy walk ahead of me. That leaves time and space, so I decide to make an extra walk inland. I go to the Tehidy Country Park (thanks for the tip Damon).

After breakfast, it goes on again. As usual, first a climb out of the village and up the cliffs. This goes through a luxury neighborhood. I come across a number of very nice accommodations, all almost new and of course with a view over the sea.

Once at the top an easy part follows and then it goes up and down a few times. This is the ‘most difficult’ part of today. No problem for an experienced Coast Path walker like me.

Then I arrive above Basset’s Cove. This is basically the extra walk that I have chosen. The walk comes from iWalk Cornwall, it is the Tehidy Country Park to Deadman’s Cove walk. A bit of the walk goes over the Coast Path and that part I walk twice today. I do the walk in the opposite direction because it suits me better.

The extra walk is a nice change from the Coast Path, a nice walk through the fields and especially the forest in Tehidy Country Park. The gray squirrels here are very tame, they come right to you. Probably because they expect something to eat.
After I have seen a large part of Tehidy Country Park, it is time for coffee at the visitor center / café. There are a lot of crows and chews here, it’s a big noise.
After the coffee, I go a bit further through the Country Park and then it goes back to Coast Path. I take a short detour from the route to walk through the Country Park some more and so I have to do less of the Coast Path twice.

Back on the Coast Path I walk a bit of 1-2 kilometers that I already had before. Then it continues with an easy flat part above the cliffs. At Hell’s Mouth Café I take another break, I still have time enough. No coffee this time, but a cranberry juice.

Also after Hell’s Mouth, the route is easy and flat. From Godrevy Point I have a nice view of Godrevy Island with the lighthouse. This lighthouse was the inspiration for Virginia Woolf‘s classic novel To the Lighthouse.

After a short walk through the dunes, I arrive at the beach of Gwithian and I have to say goodbye to the Coast Path. I have to get inland, to the village itself. That is not so easy, there are only roads going there and they go via a detour. In the absence of other options, I walk along the road until I come across a Public Footpath that is more or less heading in the right direction.

So I try that and that went fine. Through a dune-like terrain, a few fields and a campsite I arrive in the village, right at the Red River Inn where I wanted to go.
I am way too early, I can only go to my overnight stay from 4.30 pm. No problem, I can wait in the pub and work on this report.

The trip to my B & B today is a walk in itself. Almost a half hour walk, in the middle of the fields. But well worth it, a beautiful room in real old English style. Unfortunately no wifi or mobile reception, but that is no problem, I have that here in the pub.
I will be picked up later by the landlady, I have walked the stretch twice today and that is enough 🙂


Today it was a little stuffy again. A lot of clouds and quite humid. The last two kilometers it was drizzling a bit.

Lyric of the day

Because of the noise that the crows made in Tehidy Country Park, today a song from The Black Crowes, Remedy, just because I like it.

Baby, baby why can’t you sit still?
Who killed that bird out on you window sill?
Are you the reason that he broke his back?
Did I see you laugh about that?
If I come on like a dream?
Would you let me show you what I mean?
If you let me come on inside?
Will you let it glide?

Can I have some remedy?
Remedy for me please.
Cause if I had some remedy
I’d take enough to please me.

Baby, baby why did you dye your hair?
Why you always keeping with your mother’s dare?
Baby why’s who’s who, who know you too?
Did the other children scold on you?
If I come on like a dream?
Would you let me show you what I mean?
If you let me come on inside?
Will you let it slide?


20180604 Perranporth – Portreath

Date: 20180604

Time: 9:40 – 14:30

Distance: 20.2 km

Stay: The Portreath Arms, Portreath


The beach where I walked yesterday, is now fenced off. They are building 3 stages for Tunes in the Dunes that will be held this weekend. Last year Tom Jones was here and this year UB40 is coming.
Unfortunately I will not be here anymore, otherwise I would definitely have attended.

Just before I walk out of Perranporth, I pass a huge sundial. This indicates the time of Cornwall, so 20 minutes later than the usual English time 🙂

Today it goes to Portreath, via a few beaches, Chapel Porth and Porth Towan. Apart from the usual Coast Path environment, paths up along the cliffs, I now also walk through a former mining area. This is visible from the remains of the mine buildings, the landscape and the closed mine shafts. It is interesting to see what people used to do with the landscape. Here and there are still mountains with excavated material. The mine shafts are closed with pyramid shaped structures. Let’s hope that nothing collapses when I walk over it.

The last stretch goes for a large part along a fence. Behind that fence lies RRH Portreath or Remote Radar Head Portreath, a former site where chemical weapons were produced, including Sarin (hmm, that does ring a bell…). The site is owned by the MOD (Ministry of Defense). Despite the somewhat macabre history, this is a pretty boring part to walk.

After the fence, however, Portreath quickly comes into view. A little further down to the currently dry harbor and my hotel is coming into view. I am really early today.

Unfortunately, I am way earlier than my luggage (I think). So I am forced to wait in the bar …
At 4 p.m. my luggage is still not there. After a great deal of to-ing and fro-ing  my luggage appears to have been parked in the wrong room. My luggage was delivered at 10 a.m. this morning (that can be correct, because I put my luggage at the reception before 9 o’clock and after breakfast it was already gone).
In the end everything is fine and I can go in the much needed shower …


Well, the weather. I have nothing to complain about the weather. Again good walking weather, alternating cloudy and sunny, pleasant temperature and during the last kilometer a few drops (hardly worth mentioning).

Lyric of the day

Since UB40 apparently travels a few days behind me, today one of their song lyrics, Food For Thought, just because I like it.

Ivory Madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.
Barren is her bosom, empty as her eyes,
Death a certain harvest scattered from the skies.

Skin and bones is creeping, doesn’t know he’s dead.
Ancient eyes are peeping, from his infant head.
Politician’s argue sharpening their knives.
Drawing up their bargains, trading baby lives.

Ivory madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.

Hear the bells are ringing, Christmas on it’s way.
Hear the angels singing, what is that they say?
Eat and drink rejoicing, joy is here to stay.
Jesus son of Mary is born again today.

Ivory Madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.
Ivory Madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.


20180603 Newquay – Perranporth

Date: 20180603

Time: 9:50 – 15:20

Distance: 21.5 km

Stay: The Seiners Arms, Perranporth


The first challenge today is to cross the Gannel. There are a number of options. The easiest is the ferry, which leaves near my hotel. Then there are two bridges, which may or may not be under water, depending on the tide. Since I already walked part of today’s route to arrive at my hotel, today’s route is very short. So I go for one of the bridges. The first bridge is under water. So I try the next one (about a mile further). This bridge is passable and after crossing the Gannel, it goes back along that same Gannel. When I am back at the first bridge, I see that it is still under water.

I continue on the Coast Path. Because I have enough time and the route is not too long, I make a small detour to walk through Crantock, also for a cup of coffee. I am too early, the pub opens at 12:00. So a round around the church (literally), where a service is being held.

Around the church, how surprising, is a cemetery. After that I wait for a while on the terrace and sort some thing out for Gerben. He leaves for Rome tonight.

And then it is 12:00, coffee 🙂 I enjoy my coffee on the terrace and then it goes on. Although I have already walked a number of miles, I have walked almost nothing of today’s route.

First I walk a bit over the beach, not the last time today, and then it goes up again for a regular stretch of Coast Path, above the cliffs. At the bottom the rock formations and the beaches alternate and before I know it I am almost at my final destination. The last part is also crossing the beach, the Perran Sands. This is a very wide (at least at low tide) and long beach. There are remarkably few people on this beach, probably because it is difficult to reach. After I have walked about a mile over this beach, I end up on a busier section. Here is also a good access to the beach and a lifeguard.

It goes up one more time and immediately down again and I am on Perranporth Beach (I could have stayed on the beach, but then I would have missed that last climb :-)). My hotel, the Seiners Arms, is located on this beach.

Arriving at my hotel, the first time this trip something goes wrong. They can’t find my reservation. My luggage is delivered, so that is not a problem. Fortunately they have a room and I get a family room (1x double bed and 1x bunk bed). Space enough.
Tomorrow they will contact Encouter Walking. I am confident that this will be sorted out.


It was once again great walking weather, sunny and occasionally cloudy. Good temperature. When I walked up Perran Sands, a few drops fell, but they already evaporated before they hit something.

Lyric of the day

The beginning of today was dominated by the river, the Gannel. That’s why today we have the great version of Led Zeppelin of Traveling Riverside Blues (probably by now it becomes clear what my favorite band is):

Asked sweet mama, Let me be her kid
She said, “You might get hurt if you don’t keep it hid”

Well I know my baby, If I see her in the dark
I said I know my rider, If I see her in the dark

Now, I goin’ to Rosedale, Take my rider by my side
Still barrelhouse, If it’s on the riverside, yeah
I know my baby, Lord, I said, “is really sloppy drunk”
I know my mama, Lord, a brownskin, but she ain’t no plum

See my baby, tell her, Tell her hurry home
Had no lovin’, since my baby been gone
See my baby, Tell hurry on home
I ain’t had, Lord, my right mind, Since my rider’s been gone

Hey, she promises, She’s my rider
I wanna tell you, She’s my rider
I know you’re mine, She’s my rider
She ain’t but sixteen, But she’s my rider

I’m goin’ to Rosedale, Take my rider by side
Anybody argue with me man, I’ll keep them satisfied
Well, see my baby, tell her, Tell her the shape I’m in
Ain’t had no lovin’, Lord, since you know when

Spoken: Why don’t you come into my kitchen

She’s a kindhearted lady. She studies evil all the time
She’s a kindhearted woman. She studies evil all the time

Squeeze my lemon ’til the juice runs down my leg
Squeeze it so hard, I’ll fall right out of bed
Squeeze my lemon, ’til the juice runs down my leg

Spoken: I wonder if you know what I’m talkin’ about

Oh, but the way that you squeeze it girl
I swear I’m gonna fall right out of bed

She’s a good rider
She’s my kindhearted lady
I’m gonna take my rider by my side
I said her front teeth are lined with gold
She’s gotta mortgage on my body, got a lien on my soul
She’s my brownskin sugar plum…


20180602 Porthcothan – Newquay

Date: 20180602

Time: 9:15 – 15:25

Distance: 23.9 km

Stay: Pentire Hotel, Newquay


The stretch from Porthcothan to Newquay is not too heavy. There are some rises and falls, but they go gradually. Today it mainly goes along the cliffs with down below rock formations in the beginning and later mostly beaches.

There is a lot of surfing again and it is quite busy on some beaches. I have heard from the landlady that this week is a holiday for the children. That explains why there were so many people (and children) in various places during the day.

I come across more collapsed caves, big holes in the ground. That means watching out that the ground is not disappearing below my feet…

After a few kilometers I arrive at a cafe of the National Trust. However, it is still too early for coffee.
Right after that I meet Davey again. He apparently likes to leave early. We walk a bit together and chat a bit. Then I pick up my own pace again and continue.

In Mawgan Porth it is time for coffee. I am now about halfway and after walking a bit over the beach, I sit down at a beach cafe for a short break. While I’m sitting there, I see Davey pass by again. I’ll catch up with him soon enough.

After Mawgan Porth, the big beaches follow, with lots of surfers. However, the Coast Path mainly goes up over the cliffs. As expected, I pass Davey again.

Newquay has been visible for a while. When I look back, I also see yesterday’s lighthouse for a long time. If it had not been so foggy yesterday, then I could already have seen Newquay.

Newquay stretches over a number of kilometers along the coast. The first part of the Coast Path is still close to the coast and I keep away from the buildings. After that I still end up between the buildings and eventually in the middle of the town. It is pretty busy, holiday and Saturday …

At the end of today’s trajectory I am looking for a pub for a pint. That will be the Sailors Arms. Here I sit outside on the terrace to watch the people that pass by.

However, I am not yet done walking today. My hotel is located on the other side of Newquay, so I follow the Coast Path a few kilometers further until I am in Pentire. That means fewer kilometers tomorrow.
After a bit of searching, I find my hotel and am ready for today.


Nice summer weather today, sunny and with a strong breeze to the sea. There were clouds and occasional even dark clouds, but they didn’t bother much.

Lyric of the day

Today is Fortarock in Nijmegen. In recent years I have been there every time, together with my brothers and nephew and of course with the guardian of the park, Rob (no, not me). Unfortunately I have to miss it this year (you can’t have everything). To compensate, we are going heavy today and the lyrics are from Opeth, who will be second-last on the main stage tonight. It is a song from my favorite album, Blackwater Park, The Drapery Falls:

Please remedy my confusion
And thrust me back to the day
The silence of your seclusion
Brings night into all you say
Pull me down again
And guide me into pain
I’m counting nocturnal hours
Drowned visions in haunted sleep
Faint flickering of your powers
Leaks out to show what you keep
Pull me down again
And guide me into
There is failure inside
This test I can’t persist
Kept back by the enigma
No criterias demanded here
Deadly patterns made my wreath
Prosperous in your ways
Pale ghost in the corner
Pouring a caress on your shoulder
Puzzled by shrewd innocence
Runs a thick tide beneath
Ushered into inner graves
Nails bleeding from the struggle
It is the end for the weak at heart
Always the same
A lullaby for the ones who’ve lost all
Reeling inside
My gleaming eye in your necklace reflects
Stare of primal regrets
You turn your back and you walk away
Never again
Spiralling to the ground below
Like Autumn leaves left in the wake to fade away
Waking up to your sound again
And lapse into the ways of misery


20180601 Padstow – Porthcothan

Date: 20180601

Time: 9:35 – 15:35

Distance: 23.3 km

Stay: Penlan B & B, Porthcothan Bay


I continue where I left off, Today it goes from Padstow to Porthcothan, a stretch of a little more than 20 kilometers. It will be an easy route because there are not many height differences and where there are, they are not very big and certainly not steep.

From Padstow it immediately goes up and after that along narrow paths with lots of vegetation. This ensures that after a while I am wet again, even though it does not rain. But that is no problem, it will dry up over time. However, I am also covered with pollen, but that too is not a problem since they can be brushed off easily.
After a while I pass the tower at Stepper Point. This is a navigation aid (Daymark) that was built in 1820. Unfortunately, there is little view, it is foggy.

The fog gives the next part that I walk a very special character. I can look over the edge of the cliff, but I do not see the sea. At times, I do not even see the cliff edge. Looking ahead is also limited. However, the Coast Path is easy to follow and occasionally I encounter markings.
I see the mist rolling in from the sea.

After a while the fog starts to rise. Or actually I walk out of it because when I look back, I see more low clouds than where I am.

As I said, today I have an easy route and it goes quite flat over the cliffs to Trevone Bay. Just before Trevone Bay I pass Roundhole Point. This is named like this because there is a huge round hole in the ground (cliff) (in Cornwall they like to call things as they are 🙂 ). Roundhole was formed because erosion created a cave that collapsed over time. It is about 80 feet deep and at high tide, there is water at the bottom.

In Trevone Bay it is time for coffee at a beach café.

After the break, I continue towards some large beaches. First comes Harlyn Bay, then Mother Ivey’s Bay, Booby’s Bay, Constantine Bay and finally Treyarnon Bay. At most baysI walk above the beach, but in Constantine Bay I walk quite a bit over the beach.
At the last beach, in Treyarnon Bay, it is time for a pint at the local youth hostel, I am now about 10 kilometers further and not too far from my final destination.

If I want to continue, Davey shows up. He has caught up with me during my rest day. He stays in the youth hostel tonight and is therefore at his final destination. I have a few more kilometers to go.

During the last part it starts to get foggy again. I pass a few nice rock formations and then Porthcothan suddenly turns up behind a bend.

Today I also saw a number of remnants of installations from the Second World War, but there was not much to see, these were mainly concrete plains.


The temperature was fine today. However, it was very cloudy and misty from time to time. I walked with my head in the clouds again, not because I was so high, but because the clouds were so low. Due to the fairly high temperature and humidity it was a little muggy.

Lyric of the day

Since I often could not see the sea, the lyrics of today are obvious, Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple. Mist does look like smoke…

We all came out to Montreux
On the Lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didn’t have much time
Frank Zappa and the Mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground

Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

They burned down the gambling house
It died with an awful sound
Funky Claude was running in and out
Pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But Swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race

Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

We ended up at the Grand Hotel
It was empty, cold and bare
But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside
Making our music there
With a few red lights and a few old beds
We made a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know, I know we’ll never forget

Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

