20180531 Padstow (rest day)

Date: 20180531

Stay: The Old Ship Hotel, Padstow


Rest day in Padstow. Since the weather is good, I want to make a boat trip so that I can view the cliffs from the other side.

After first walking a little through Padstow (this doesn’t take too long, but on request some pictures of pubs), I look at the offers of the various boat trips. I decide to go on a boat trip with the Jubilee Queen. An hour and a half, not too expensive and one doesn’t get wet (I did that already yesterday).
I get on board at the quay in the village. Fortunately the boat is not packed full. The GPS track below is from the boat trip and not from a walk (I still can not walk on water).
Afterwards we have to get off the boat on the beach, it is low tide and that means no water in the harbor.

There is a brewery in Padstow, the Padstow Brewing Company. I have to visit them. Google comes to help with an address and the route. First I have a Cornish Pasty and then I walk to the brewery. Along the way I pass the church and the cemetery. After that I have to go a long way along a fairly busy road, without a footpath. Not the best of walking routes.
In the end I arrive at the top (yes, of course it went up). A few more yards and in an industrial area I find the brewery.

I am kindly received in the middle of the bottling plant (or better canning), where plenty of beer is packaged in cans. They have lots of beer in bottles, but unfortunately nothing open … The tasting room is located down in the village.
When the brewer hears that I have come up on foot, he offers to take me down to the village. Given the walking route along the busy road, I gratefully accept his offer.
On the way down we of course talk about beer. He only found Heineken in Amsterdam, so I told him about Brouwerij ‘t IJ, De Prael, De Troost and all the others. The Padstow Brewing Company now exists for 5 years and they brew about 15-16 different beers in small batches. The brewery is running well, which is why they have been able to open the tasting room in the village.
Once arrived in the village, the tasting room is quickly found and that is where the tasting started.

Actually that was my rest day, a boat trip and a brewery visit / tasting. Great day for me!


Good weather today, better than yesterday. Sunny all day. There were some very dark clouds, even during the boat trip, but in the end it remained dry all day.

Lyric of the day

Today was largely dominated by beer, therefore Beer Drinkers And Hell Raisers by ZZ Top:

If you see me walkin’ down the line
with my fav’rite honky tonk in mind,
well, I’ll be here around suppertime
with my can of dinner and a bunch of fine.

Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, don’t you wanna come with me?

The crowd gets loud when the band gets right,
steel guitar cryin’ through the night.
Yeah, try’n to cover up the corner fight
but ev’rything’s cool ’cause they’s just tight.

Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Huh, baby, don’t you wanna come with me?
Ah, play it boy.

The joint was jumpin’ like a cat on hot tin.
Lord, I thought the floor was gonna give in.
Soundin’ a lot like a House Congressional
’cause we’re experimental and professional.

Beer drinkers, hell raisers, yeah.
Well, baby, don’t you wanna come with me?

