20180529 Tintagel – Port Isaac

Date: 20180529

Time: 9:25 – 14:05

Distance: 16.4 km

Stay: The Old School Hotel, Port Isaac


Before I started the official walk today, I first went into Tintagel. The old post office is mentioned everywhere and the church. There are also the King Arthur’s Great Halls. Everything in Tintagel has a connection with King Arthur (even if only in the name). You would almost imagine yourself in the Middle Ages, were it not that it is all very touristy.
At the old post office, which is indeed a very nice and old building, they were preparing for a trade fair.
Then on to the church, which lies on top of the cliffs, a little away from the village. Of course with associated cemetery. There is a special old font in the church. After having taken the necessary pictures, I lit a candle so that the rest of my trip will also go smoothly…

Time to pick up the Coast Path again. I had skipped a piece of today’s route. But that was the piece that ran past Tintagel Castle and I already did that yesterday.

For today, a tough route is predicted. Many ups and downs so to speak. In the meantime I have learned how I can best descend and climb so that I do not have problems with my left knee, but in such a way that I do not overload my right knee and get problems with it.

Almost at the beginning I pass an abandoned slate quarry. I understand that they have got slate here, what I do not understand is why they have left one column. On the other hand, that looks pretty cool now.

As can be seen from the elevation profile below, it went almost completely down to sea level several times and then up again. Especially Dennis Point was a ‘nice’, about 90 meters up and then immediately down again.
Obviously steep as I have come to expect from the Coast Path. This was immediately after Trebarwith Strand, the last civilization before the end point of today. Unfortunately, this was a bit too early for a break, I had just started walking.
Even after Dennis Point, there were some nice climbs and steep descends (for example to Ranie Point, the highest point today). This is the most rugged part of the Coast Path.

After all the ups and downs I finally arrived in Port Gaverne, a hamlet just next to Port Isaac. However, the height differences were not done yet. I had one last climb to get to Port Isaac and one descent.

In the end I was very early done today. Partly because I left on time, but also because the route today was not very long. Time for a pint at the Golden Lion.


Rain was predicted later in the day. Indeed, official weather warnings were in force regarding thunderstorms and flooding. But these are normally very local and the chance that you are affected is not that big.
Fortunately I did not suffer from this. Today it was mainly cloudy and occasionally sunny. actually good walking weather. The temperature was a bit higher, it was pretty warm.

Lyric of the day

Since I spend the night in Tintagel and everything is dominated by the Middle Ages, today a song by a group that makes medieval music (both acoustic and a combination of rock with traditional instruments). Today Spielmannsfluch by In Extremo:

Es war einmal ein König an Land und Dingen reich
Der saß auf seinem Throne finster und bleich
Was er sinnt ist Schrecken, was er blickt ist Wut
Was er spricht ist Geißel, was er schreibt ist Blut

Einst zog zu diesem Schlosse ein edles Sängerpaar
Einer hat schwarze Locken, der andre ist grau von Haar
Der Graue sprach zum Jungen: “Sei bereit mein Sohn,
Spiel die besten Lieder, stimm an den vollsten Ton!”

:Es regnet, es regnet Blut
Es regnet den Spielmannsfluch:

Es spielen die beiden Sänger im hohen Säulensaal
Auf dem Throne sitzt das Königspaar
Der König so prächtig wie blutiger Nordenschein
Die Königin so süß wie der Sonnenschein

Sie singen von Lenz, Liebe, Heiligkeit
Sie zerfloss in Wehmut, Lust war auch dabei
Ihr habt mein Volk geblendet, verlangt ihr nun mein Weib?
Der König schreit wütend, er bebt am ganzen Leib

:Es regnet, es regnet Blut
Es regnet den Spielmannsfluch:

Des Königs Schwert blitzend des Jünglings Brust durchdringt
Statt der goldnen Lieder nun ein Blutstrahl springt
Der Jüngling hat verröchelt in seines Meisters Arm
Dann schreit der Alte schaurig, der Marmorsaal zerspringt

Du verfluchter Mörder, du Fluch des Spielmann Tun
Umsonst sei all dein Ringen, mit Blut befleckt dein Tun
Des Königs Namen meldet kein Lied, kein Heldenbuch
Versunken und vergessen – das ist des Spielmanns Fluch

:Es regnet, es regnet Blut
Es regnet den Spielmannsfluch:

