20180523 Westward Ho! (rest day)

Date: 20180523

Stay: Culloden House, Westward Ho!


The first activities of today were of a more domestic nature. Walk to the launderette and do the laundry. That went amazingly well, but I will spare you the details. And no, the lyrics of today do not come from Trafassi 🙂 (I am afraid that this one will elude most of my non Dutch friends, try looking up Trafassi and Wasmasjien and translate the song lyrics).

After the housekeeping was done, it was time to walk to the coast (only a few hundred meters). There I started with all beach bars going from left to right (not that there are so many). Nicely laid back on the terrace, reading a little, working on this report and doing nothing (except watching people).

Well, it was a rest day today after all!

I did some more research on the name of Westward Ho! and learned that:

  • Westward Ho! is the only place on the British Isles with an exclamation mark in it’s name.
  • There is a place in this world with two exclamation marks in the name, namely Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! in Quebec. How about that…
  • Hamilton, Ohio in 1986 tried to add an exclamation mark to it’s name to gain greater publicity. However, that was not really picked up by others and therefore died out. So no Hamilton!.

The nice useless things you find on the Internet 🙂


Perfect summer weather to spend on the coast. Sunny all day and a nice temperature.

It seems that my luck with the weather is running out. From tomorrow, a number of days with rain are expected. We will see how it goes. I expect to get wet once in any case. Hopefully it is ok and I can walk between the showers.

Lyric of the day

The lyrics of today have nothing to do with what is happening today, but more with what has happened 429 months (or 13057 days) ago. The lyrics of today are for my everything, my Ada. Thank You by Led Zeppelin:

If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.

Kind woman, I give you my all.
Kind woman, nothing more.

Little drops of rain
Whisper of the pain.
Tears of love lost in the days gone by.

My love is strong,
With you there is no wrong.
Together we shall go until we die.

My, my, my.

An inspiration’s what you are to me.
Inspiration, look, see.

And so today my world—it smiles,
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done,
For you to me are the only one.

Alright, yeah

Happiness: no more be sad,
Happiness: I’m glad.

If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
Mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.

